Luxfeel Air is a next generation 6.5mm waterproof and acoustic hybrid plank, moving away from carcinogenic, silica filled old limestone and PVC combined hybrids (SPC). Our trademark virgin (APC) air rated PVC composite boards are low VOC and phthalate free. Making it the healthiest and the most recyclable boards on the market today. Perfect for high rises, multi-res and uneven timber and concrete slabs.
important acoustic information
what flooring qualifies with the new BCA2016 requirements?
Acoustic Luxfeel Test Result
LnT,w = 48 dB
LnT,w = 48 dB
No acoustic ceiling panel
No acoustic ceiling airlock
62dB minimum requirements by the Building Code of Australia
The test has been made on a 160mm concrete slab, measuring a hammer continuously hitting the acoustic loose lay and
achieving a peaceful 48dB impact sound result recorded on the floor below the test.
Our test results in 48dB successful pass by a massive14dBThe
lower the number the better!
No acoustic ceiling airlock
62dB minimum requirements by the Building Code of Australia
The test has been made on a 160mm concrete slab, measuring a hammer continuously hitting the acoustic loose lay and
achieving a peaceful 48dB impact sound result recorded on the floor below the test.
Our test results in 48dB successful pass by a massive14dBThe
lower the number the better!